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Fear (acrylic, 40x30cm / 16x12”)

"Fear" is the title of this evocative painting, my first foray into using art as a medium to navigate through depression. The artwork captures the intense emotions and tumultuous mindset at the beginning of my journey. The canvas is divided into dramatic segments of color and texture, each representing different facets of my fears. Words like "SHAKING," "HOPE," "HELP," "SADNESS," "FLAMES," "ASHES," and "FIRE" are intricately woven into the composition, painted within the looming letters that spell out "FEAR." This vivid portrayal uses stark contrasts - the cool blues against the fiery reds and the encroaching darkness against sparks of green - to symbolize the internal conflict and the burning intensity of fear, juxtaposed with faint glimmers of hope and the search for assistance amidst the chaos. This painting marks the start of my understanding that the path ahead would be fraught with challenges, yet also hints at the potential for transformation and healing.

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